CO.E.PE. srl has gotten the quality requirements to perform the works according D.P.R. 34/2000 owning several certifications of projects executed with annexes technical and contractual documentation. The firm has a nominal capital of €. 100.000,00, performing projects for public and private characters as follow:
-Earthing works with annexed concrete / masonry structures
- Demolitions
- Construction of civil and industrial buildings
- Mechanical Installations
- Heating and air-conditioning maintenance and installations
- Electrical installations
- Paintings
- Refurbishments
- Roads construction
- Water and sanitary system installations
- Oil and gas pipe lines
- Aqueducts
The company is SOA certified emitted by soatech s.p.a. for the following categories:
OG1 V up to €. 5.165.000
OG3 V up to €. 5.165.000
OG11 II up to €. 516.000
OS21 IV BIS up to €. 3.500.000
OS30 II up to o a €. 516.000
The firm has the following certifications: SOA, ISO 9001:2015, EN ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007 and pre- qualified to Repro-Achilles system. The company is one of the prefecture trusties being part of the white lists and it has performed several projects for such client. The performance of the projects is carried out using own machineries and equipment and high skilled personnel.